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Watch Patti share how to use our annual visioning tool

Then download the worksheet below!

Make Your Dreams a Reality in 2024 With Our Goal Setting Tool

Hello Friends!

Whew, all of a sudden we are nearly through January! For such a slow time of year, time seems to be flying by. However, I have learned to love this time of year, which has the new year energy combined with a slower pace. 

So...are you big on New Year resolutions? Over time, I have shifted my thinking and rather than the traditional "resolutions", I use this time to reflect, dream big and set some inspiring goals. Also, the holiday season is so busy for me (as it is for many of us!), that I honestly don't have the headspace to create any goals prior to the new year.

And soon enough, I find myself in mid-January realizing I'm finally ready to dive into my annual goal setting process. I created this goal setting process/worksheet several years ago and continue to refine it every year. And every year I'm always inspired to share this worksheet with you!

I created a 2-part process to help with annual dreaming and goal setting and I've found it to be quite effective. What makes it a 2-part process?

First is the reflection part, which I find the most magical. I like to look back at the previous year and celebrate all that has transpired. It's so easy to get caught up in the day to day, the to-do lists, etc. and forget about the BIG moments and all we've accomplished throughout the year. 

Part 2 is the dreaming and goal setting section for the year ahead. Once you've been able to remind yourself of all the AMAZING things you did in 2023, you will be super inspired to think about the incredible possibilities for 2024. 

So, are you ready to dive into this fun and rewarding process? Then download our Annual Visioning Process Tool below. Then plan an hour or so to write, reflect, celebrate and dream! I think you'll find it to be rewarding effort that will fill you up and get you re-energized for the new year!




Download the Celebrate + Dream Big Goal Setting Process Here ⬇️!

Celebrate + Dream Big Goal Setting Process Tool

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